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Pricing that just makes sense

Don't pay more than you need to for a real estate lawyer.

All prices are subject to HST and .

Frequently asked questions

The fee that we charge is how we make money off of each transaction that we service. All others costs that we facilitate the payment of (eg. land transfer tax, real estate agent commissions, etc.) are payments to other parties involved in the transaction that we do not make money off of.

Each transaction is unique, so different costs may apply depending on your situation. That said, there are common costs that you should be aware of. For a purchase, the costs that you may incur are the down payment, mortgage default insurance, mortgage broker fees, legal fees and disbursements, title insurance, property insurance, and land transfer tax. For a sale, the costs that you may incur are the mortgage payout, realtor commission, legal fees and disbursements, and payouts for rental appliances. For a refinance, the costs that you may incur are mortgage broker fees, legal fees and disbursements, and title insurance. And lastly, for an ownership transfer, the most notable costs that you will incur are legal fees and disbursements.

Disbursements are expenses paid by Doormat upfront that you reimburse us for at the close of the transaction. The types of disbursements may vary depending on the law firm that you’re dealing with, but typically fall into two categories - Administration Fees and Third Party Fees. Administration Fees are the overhead costs incurred to deliver the legal service, including things like paper, printing and postage. Third Party disbursements are the costs incurred by a lawyer that are directly related to the closing of your property, charged by other service providers. These include title search fees, writ search fees, land transfer registration fees, etc. At Doormat, we don’t charge any Administration Fees back to our clients. The only disbursements that we charge for are Third Party fees incurred. Our belief is that costs of administration are a part of doing business and should therefore not be passed along to our clients.

No. With our pricing, what you see is what you get. Many law firms have a ladder pricing model where the higher your purchase or sale price, the higher the fee they will charge you, but that is not how we do things. It’s important to us that our pricing is consistent and predictable.

No. Our pricing is consistent no matter where you are located. Many law firms will adjust their price based on where the property is, but that is not how we do things. We believe that it’s important to be equitable in our pricing, regardless of where the property in question is located.

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