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Terms and Conditions

This outlines the terms and conditions you agree to abide by when receiving services not provided by Doormat Law.


What is this document?

It outlines the rules you agree to abide by when receiving services not provided by Doormat Law.


These rules apply as soon as you begin interacting with Doormat. It is important for you to understand where the distinction is drawn between a visitor of Doormat and a client of Doormat Law. These terms and conditions apply as soon as you begin interacting with Doormat, not just to clients who enter an engagement with Doormat Law.

Key points:

Bullet point

You must be 18 years of age to use our website

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Until you agree to Doormat Law's engagement letter, there is no solicitor-client relationship

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Our responsibilities to our visitors are lesser than our responsibilities to our clients

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Do not treat our blog posts or other general information on the website as legal advice

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We are only responsible for the security of our own website

Bullet point

We accept no liability for any use or misuse of the website

Bullet point

We can terminate your use of the website for misuse


What responsibilities does Doormat have to non-clients?

Our responsibilities to you as a non-client are limited.


Please note that this summary page is provided for informational use, and should not be used as a substitute for the full legal document. Always refer to the full legal document for the exact language of our legal policies, procedures, and user agreements.